Air Travel

Two airports may be used for traveling to SLRF 2019:

  • The closest airport to the SLRF 2019 conference:
    The Capital Region International Airport (airport code = LAN) is the closest airport to Michigan State University and the Kellogg Center
    -This airport is approximately an 18-minute drive from where the conference will be held at the Kellogg Center
  • An additional, further airport:
    The Detroit Metro Airport (airport code = DTW) is the next closest airport to the conference
    -This airport is approximately a 1 hour and 22 minute drive from where the conference will be held at the Kellogg Center


Ride-sharing / car and shuttle services

  • Uber and Lyft are both available for use in Lansing / East Lansing
  • Taxicabs and bike-sharing services are available
  • The Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center also offers pre-arranged transportation to and from the Capital Region International Airport, Michigan Flyer Airport Shuttle, and the East Lansing Greyhound / Amtrak Station